From September 201h to September 26th.
Geology, Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical. By DAVID Tnoatas ANSTED, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, Pro- fessor of Geology in King's College, London. In two volumes.
A Dictionary of the English Language ; containing the pronunciation, etymology, and explanation of all words authorized by eminent writers :
to which are added, a Vocabulary of the Roots of English words, and an accented list of Greek, Latin, and Scripture proper names. By ALEXANDER Ram, A.M., Rector of the Circus Place School, Edin- burgh; Author of " Rudiments of English Composition," &c. [In some points of view this is a useful dictionary. The typographical present- ation is excellent—no small feature in a book of reference : the definitions of the meaning of words are very clear and intelligible—though, from the necessity of economizing space, the primary sense, as the compiler observes, is sometimes left out, where its use has become obsolete ; the conjunction of pronunciation with derivation and explanation is a useful feature in a school-book, and we think the mode of indicating it less difficult, or at least less troublesome, than in WALKER. Whether the plan is good of throwing the words out of alpha- betical order to economize space by starting with the root and classing all its derivatives under it, may be a question, in cases where the derivation is not self-evident. The intelligent pupil who forces himself, or the sharp pupil who is forced to trace up the secondary. tertiary, and other arys to the fountain- head, will be benefited ; the dull will only be puzzled. Those who want a direct derivation on the spur of the moment will not get it : to which Mr. REID may answer, that the work is intended for schools and teaching. To carry out this object, a vocabulary of the roots of English words is added ; which is clearly a useful addition. The number of words in the English language is estimated at about eighty thousand ; the present volume contains about forty thousand. The principles which have guided Mr. REID in his selection are thus stated by himself. "Of these, t80,000,] some, which are found in the earlier authors, have become ob- solete; others in common colloquial use have not been authorized by classical writers; a few are entirely technical—that is to say, are employed only in con- nexion with some particular art ; and many are mere inflections or compounds. As the compiler could not insert all the words in the language in so small a work, he has rejected almost all belonging to these four classes : those belonging to the first class, because they are no longer in use ; to the second, because they are not sanctioned by sufficient authority ; to the third, because they are not used in general speech or writing; and to the fourth, because they do not differ in derivation, meaning, or pronunciation, from the words from which they are formed." When rejection must take place, something must be rejected : and these rules are good enough, had they been fully carried out ; but the com- piler does not seem to us always to have exercised a sound discretion. He omits strategy, which is in daily use, but inserts stratocracy, which is rarely met with. Testern, teston, a sixpence, is certainly out of use, except in the slang phrase "tester " ; and "testern, v., to present with a sixpence," is surely pro- vincial, if not local, or totally obsolete. Sometimes he seems to insert words either as roots, or because they are derived from roots which he must insert. In the case of a second edition, this peculiarity should be carefully looked to.]
Manual of Classical Literature. From the German of J. J. Esc LIENBURG, Professor in the Carolinum at Brunswick. With additions. By N. W FISKE, Professor in Amherst College. Fourth edition—seventh thou- sand.
[An American translation of the celebrated Manual of ESCHENBURG, which has long since attained a Continental reputation, run through many editions in-its original language, and been translated into French with all the honours. It appears to have been equally popular beyond the Atlantic ; where it has reached the fourth edition in the course of eight years for the translation dates from 1836. The Manua/ is not a work of reference, aCleast in the same sense as a dictionary, but contains a general view of ancient knowledge' art, religion, and history, divided into ten sections. The mass of matter packed into the volume is immense; but its closeness-has perhaps squeezed-it-rather dry. The typo- graphy is a fair specimen of American printing; the plates, especially those which are intended to be ornamental, admit of improvement] Practical English Grammar, containing a complete new class of Ea. ereises, adapted to each rule, and constructed on a plan entirely new. By MARMADUKE FLOWER, St. Peter's Square, Leeds; and the Reve- rend W. BALMBRO' FLOWER, B.A., late Scholar of Msg. Col. Cam., and Curate of Knutsford, Cheshire.
[In a preface by the " junior author," the Reverend W. FLOWER, this little book professes to be founded on a plan practised in his father's school; and among other merits he claims the advantage of more conciseness and complete- ness in definitions, and a better order of arrangement. To this praise the book is entitled; and it expresses itself in a less juvenile tone than is frequently the case in preliminary books—we seem to have got among collegians. The " better system of syntax, on an entirely new plan," and " the new class of exercises, in two courses," seem to us extensions and improvements rather than novelties. However, there is a great deal of matter in the book, at, we pre- sume, a cheap price. It may be proper to add, that the authors seem to have directed their attention more to Lath', in treating of English grammar, than it has latterly been usual to do. To speak of minutim, why call the ajective the " accusative " case?—and it is surely stingy to limit Proper Nouns to " persons, towns, and rivers," page 6.] A System of Accounts for Savings-Banks Practically Explained. By JOHN STURROCK junior, Actuary of the Dundee National Security Savings- Ban It
[The Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt have annual re- turns made to them from every Savings-Bank, showing the state of their af- fairs up to the 2001 November. Unless an accurate system of bookkeeping be established, errors of account may arise, that will, in the hurry of making out the returns, have to be adjusted by balancing fictions. These in- volve no loss to the depositors; for the errors are eventually discovered in realizing the transactions of which the account is only a representative; and they might be rectified at once if there were time, a staff, and a disposition to go through the accounts. So far no practical injury accrues to the depositors; but fictitious returns are made to the Government, and the general accounts of the particular bank are always in a " huggermugger " state, and a temptation ii offered to embezzlement.
Mr. STURROCK'S experience as actuary of the Dundee Savings-Bank has led him to frame A System of Accounts for Savings-Banks, by which these errors may be avoided. The plan itself is set forth at large in his quarto publi- cation and the tables of forms which accompany it ; and which seem to be taken, as all such examples should be taken, from actual accounts. As Mr. STURROCK is a Close writer, a detailed description of his system would almost involve a reprint both of his text and tables : hut the plan seems well adapted to answer the objects in view—that of enabling correct returns to be made up for the public, and, if the managers please, of continually balancing the accounts. The key to the system is— great care in the primary entries ; to subject these entries to analytical arrange- ment ; to post the ledger from the depositors' pass-book, instead of the cash- book of the bank ; to subject the ledger-entries to an analysis or collection analogous in principle to that of the cash-book ; and then to use the two re- duced accounts as a test, as well as the more original entries. Of coarse, the results thus deduced are further reduced or carried forward to other focuses, to form eventually a proof balance-sheet. Perhaps in condensing the tabular view of the system, some of the forms of account may not be so clear as is desirable, to copy from : but this may not be felt by a practical Savings- Bank accountant ; or a set of the Dundee Savings-Bauk books may be pro- curable by those who wish to adopt the plan.]
The Counting-house Guide to the Higher Branches of Calculations. Parts First and Second. By WILLIAM TATE.
[The first of these publications is a new edition of Mr. TATE'S Appendix to the Elements of Ornimercial Arithmetic, but with considerable additions and improvements. The object of the work is to present the student with examples of business-arithmetic—such subjects and such " sums" as he will meet with in the counting-house—as questions in marine insurances, exchanges, and so forth. Mr. TATE also aims at showing him the short cuts by which the ac- complished practical arithmetician works seemingly-complicated questions "in his head," in a manner that looks marvellous to the uninitiated. The second. part is a continuation of the first ; carrying out the same class of questions to a higher degree, and intermingling with the arithmetic some information upon the subjects handled—as the Mint, the Public Funds.]
Elements of Algebra, Theoretical and Practical, for the use of Schools and Private Students. By ALEXANDER INGRAM, Author of "A Concise System of Mathematics," &c.; and JAMES TROTTER, of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, Author of "A Manual of Loga- rithms," &c.
[This hook appears to be a careful and judicious expansion by Mr. TROTTER of the section on Algebra included by the late Mr. brows in his Concise System of Mathematics. It will be found a useful book; for the definitions are clearly laid down, the principles upon which the rules are based presented to the student, and the exercises various and ample.]
The Act to Amend the Law of Insolvency, Bankruptcy, and Execution, 7 and 8 Viet. cap. 96, incorporated with the Act for the Relief of In- solvent Debtors, 5 and 6 Viet. cap. 116. With Notes. By J. ANGUS Boatcs, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law.
[The object of this publication of Mr. IlonEs is precisely the same as the volume by Mr. HORRY, which we noted last week. Both vim at explaining the late changes in the law relating to bankrupts and insolvents; both reprint the Acts of Parliament effecting the changes, with the Judges' orders, &c., to which they have given rise; both analyze the Acts, to make them more popu- larly intelligible, adding cases and remarks by the respective editors; both seem to be published at the same price and size : but we think Mr. Hoaay's the more laws erlooking of the two in the "getting-up."]
The Works of G. P. R. James, Esq. Revised and corrected by the Author. With an Introductory Preface. Volume II—Mary of Bur- gundy.
[We learn tram the Introductory Preface to this new edition, that the French and Belgian Revolutions of 1830 suggested to Mr. Janes the idea of his Mary of Burgundy ; the new revolt having sent the historiographer back to the old. The preface also enters into an account of the characters of the romance ; and tells the reader that the author adopted the plan of dictating instead of writing his works at the suggestion of Sir WALTER SCOTT.] SERIALS.
Tales from the German. Selected and translated by J. OXENPORD and C. A. FELLING. Part L (Foreign Library.) [This addition to the Foreign Library of a selection from the best Germaa tales will form an attractive change to those who feed upon fictions and wish the stimulus of German manners and German diablerie at first hand. The tales in this part are seven in number, but are too merely tales to require criticism.] ILLUSTRATED WORKS AND PRINTS.
The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, of has& WALTON and CHARLES COTTON. Edited by JOHN MAJOR. Fourth edition, illustrated.
[Mr. Meroa's illustrated edition of WALTON'S Angler is one of the most popular of the many reprints of that favourite book, on account of the number and beauty of its illustrations, and the congenial spirit which the editor brings to his task.
The present edition is embellished with so many fresh illustrations, that in this respect it is almost a new work. CHESWICK, with his fine sense of the tranquil beauty of rural seclusion, has scattered through its pages some charm- ing little bits of picturesque scenery on the Lea—shady nooks by the stream overhung whit trees, disclosing a church-spire topping a rustic mill, or a quiet glimpse of the meads, that he has drawn on the wood with a painter's pencil. The fish are exquisitely cut en the wood by JOON and MASON JACKSON: they have the force and colour of pictures. But the most striking feature of this edition is the new set of nine designs by JOHN Ansotow, engraved by WILLBIORE : they have the graceful ease of STOTHARD: and the chaste simplicity and quietude of the artist's style are in accordance with the senti- ment of the book.]
Six Sabbath Melodies. The Words selected from the Holy Scriptures. Composed by R. Tomner, Organist of Trinity Church, Southwark. Second series.