Tuesday, Sept. 24.
FAHTNEttsHoes nissoLvE 0.
Polhill and. Coleman, Crown Court, Old Broad Street. wine-merchants-Brown and Harrison. Newcastle-un-Tvue, cospers Rutiey and Taylor. Swan Yard, St. Martin's Lane. carvers-C. and D. b. Geere. south Heighton. Sussex, farmers-Oliphant and Co. Croydon, schoolmistresses-Wright and Co. Iver. seed crushers ; as far as regards J. E. Wright-Killingley and Co. Nottiugham. winemerellants-Hartlepool Cider' Shipping Company, Hartlepool-W. P. and J. Bunn, Maids Hill-Cheshire and Jaye,
Liverpool. merchants-Deflinue and Holt, Manchester. check-manufacturers- Quer- ion and Messer. Stamford Bridge. Yorkshire, grocers-J. and II. D. Cossins, Ilmin- ster, millers-Rattle and Brine. Bath, booksellers-Nicholson Brothers. Leeds, manu- facturing chentists-Rudgersand Christie. Notting Hill, masous-Powell and Kirtland, Kiiig'a Place. Commerciat Road East, t bucco manufacturers-Alison and Co. Glasgow, and Blackader and Co., Montreal ; as far as regards G. Hamilton.
KNOTT. A., Brighton, miller, Sept. 16.
BOWEN. WILLIAM, Merthyr Tydvil, grocer. to surrender Oct. 11, Nov. 5: solicitor, Mr. Jarman, Bristol ; official assignee. Mr. Kyeaston. Bristol. GIBBONS, HENRY. Wolverhampton, chemist, Oct.3. Nov. 11 : solicitors. Messrs. Phil- lips and Bolton, Wolverhampton ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham. MACKENZIE, DUNCAN JOHN, Chambers Street, Minories. provisiou-merchant, Oct. 8, Nov. 6: solicitors. Messrs. Lawrauce and Plows, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane.
MEARNS, WILLIES! ARCHIBALD, C:apham. brewer, Oct 8. Nov. 6; solicitors, Messrs. Fyson and Curling. Old Jewry ; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane. MONCKMAN, THOMAS MOSIER, Bradford, Yorkshire. tobaccotlist.Oct. 4,28: solieitors, Messrs. Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn; Mr. Barwick. Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Young. Leeds. Roerrisow. PETER. Warrington, bottle-manufacturer. Oct. 14, Nov. 8: solicitors, Mr. Oliver. Old Jewry ; Mr. Evans, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Statiway, Mauchester. SNELL, Joszen WILLIAM, Ramsgate, lodging house-keeper. Oct. 8, Nov. 6: solicitor, Mr. Stephen. Skinner Place. Size Lone; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Alichurch Lane. WILLERT. Costase ROSENSTERN, ClItIrCh Court, Clement's Lane, merchant, Oct. 8, Nov. 6 : solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, 0.8 Jewry.
Oct. 15. Thorpe, Chertsey. plumber-Oct. 16. Brown, New Windsor. oilman-Oct. 22, Jevons. Lincoln. shoemaker-Oct. 4, Hilton and Walsh. Over Darweu, paper. makers-Oct. 4, H. and E. Hilton, Over Darwen, bleachers-Oct. 16, Howarth. Rochdale. woollen.manufacturer - Oct. 8, Bennett, Manchester, calico printer-Oct. 23, Slagg, Manchester. merchant-Oct. 17, Southern. Gloucester, grocer-Oct. 19. Hebblewhite, Liverpool, wine-merchant-Oct. 17, Linden, Plymouth. merchant-Oct. 17, Plank,
Plymouth, perfumer. CERTIFICATE,
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Oct. 18. Lake. Cheltenham, printer. 7o be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct.15. Thompson. Newcastleamon-Tsne, merchant-Smith, Manchester. calico-printer - Austin. Bedford, surve; or-Fisher, Bury Street, St. James's, tailor-Ward, West-
Bromwich, coach maker. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Taylor, Middlesborough, coal.fitter filth and fival div. of 54. and 3-5ths of a penny,
any Saturday on and after Oct. 12; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-opun.Tyne-Cary, Sunder-
land. merchant ; third and final div. of 4s. 71d. any Saturday on and alter Oct. 12; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Mantra, J., Glasgow. wine-merchant, Sept. 30, Oct. 21.
MURRAY. A., Edinburgh, farmer, Oct. 1,22, STEVENSON, S., Glasgow, accountant, Sept. 30, Oct. 21.
Friday, Sept.27.
Holland and Sadler, Duke Street, Adelphi„ architects-Misses Atkinson, Liverpool, milliuers -Jackson and Sous, Leeds, tobacconists-M. and A. Blackmore. Davies Street, Berkeley Square, milliners-Addison and Greenwood, Sumner Street, Southwark, en- gineers -Rigmaiden and Elletton, Liverpool, porter-merchants-J. and E. Cox, Upper East Smithfield, wheelwrights-Penny and Randolph. Exeter, attornies-Lovegrove and Young. Rotherhithe, barge-builders-Walsh and Padgett, Guiseley, Yorkshire, scribbling-milleu-Yates and Slater. Preston, cotton-manufacturers-Gregory and Be' -coupon, Church Street, Spitalfields, milliuers-H. and H. Southau, Worcester. carricts -Bate and Faulkner. Birmingham, factors-Bartou and Co. Manchester, calico-prin- -ters-Yates and Galloway. Nottiugham, lacemattufacturers-Abraltams and Co. Man- chester. engravers-Gaskell and Co. Congleton. Cheshire, pawnhrokers-T. and T. Cireucester, cattle-dealers-Orford and Cu. Liverpool, merchants.
Buierzawomn, T. W., Hulme, Lancashire, draper, Sept. 26. nsisicatosrs.
ELDRIDGE, THOMAS, Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road, coachbuilder, to snrs sender Oct. II. Nov. 8 solicitors, Messrs. Chamberlayne and Meadeu, Great James Street. Bedford Row; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. LAMBERT, JOHN, Durham, grocer, Oct. 10, Nov. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Crosby and Compton, Church Court, Old Jewry; Mr. Thompson, Durham ; Mr. Hoyle, New- -castle upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, NewCastle-11p1111-Tylle. LEYBOURN. JAMES, Bradford, Yorkshire, provision.shopkeeper. Oct. 9, 28; solicitors, Mr. Nethersole. Essex Street ; Mr. Foster. Bradford ; offiCial assignee. Freeman. Leeds. M•LAII0IILIN, Enwsan. Long Lane. Bermondsey. hair-merchant, Oct. 16, Nov. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Keddell and Baker, Lime Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. STACEY. FREDERICK Barn and Wn.ussr, Lawrence Lane, warehousemen, Oct. 5, Nov. 8 solicitors, Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. WEBB, JOHN GREGORY. Rosamond Buildings, mineral-water manufacturer, Oct. 11, Nov. 8: soliciter, Mr. James, Bminghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Ab- ehurch Lane, WILLIAMS. WILLIAM, and SAWTIELL, JOITPH, NeerpOrt, MORMOUthabillt. curs-mer- chants, Oct. 14. Nov. 8: solicitor, Mr. Prothero, Newport; official assignee, Kr.
Kyna-ston. Bristol. DIVIDES rs. Oa. I I, Hill junior and Brookes, St. Mary-Axe, merchants-Oct. 24. Kearsley, Tyldesley. Lancashire, cotton-spiuner-Oct 22. Clarke and Co. Leicester. bankers- Oct. 24, Andrew, Maryport, gentleman-Oct. =, Lamb, Stockton, Durham, iron- merchant. CERTIFICETES,
To be granted. unless cause be shows to the contrary, on the day of needing.
Oct. 21, Wallace. Pentwyn iron works, Monmouthshire. grocer-Oct. 21. Bass. Brecknock. draper-Oct. 22. Andrew, Maryport, Cumberland, gentleman-Oct. 23, Edwards, Aberdovey, Merionethshire, draper.
Tubs granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or befiffe Oct. 18. Garnett, Tooley Street, hatter-Royle. Manchester, corn-dealer-Holland. Busted, Sussex, draper-Muir, Newcastle upon-Tyne, draper.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS, J. Arnold, Farndou, Cheshire. and II. Arnold. Derby, cheesefactors: first div of 3s. 9d.; Orel div. of 2$. Pd. on the separate estate of H. Arnold; and first div. of 2s. 14. on the separate estate of J. Arnold. on any Thursday after Oct. 5; Mr. Valpy, Birming- ham-Jones. Wellington. Shropshire. grocer; first div. of 3s. 64.. on new proofs, any Thursday after Oct. 5; Mr. Valpy. Birmingham-Webb, Liverpool, ironmonger ; se- cond div. of 414. on Oct. 22, or any subiequent Wednesday; Mr. Morgan. Liverpool- Birkenhead, woollen-draper; first div. of 6id. Oct. 23, or auy subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Jones. Liverpool. grocer ; fourth die. of 3s. 11d. Oct. 23, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
Lectr, H., Glasgow, manufacturer. Oct 7, Nov. 4. MOM, D., Dundee, grocer. Oct. 4. Nov. 1. Warr, J., Edinburgh. tos -merchant. Oct. 3,25.