28 SEPTEMBER 1850, Page 10

The Constitutionnel announces that M. de Persigny has left Paris

for London on a special mission. It is thought that this mission has refer- ence to the Danish and Hessian questions.

A meeting of the Piedmontese Bishops has taken place at Villanovetta, in the diocese of Asti, for deliberation on a memorial to the Pope. A do- cument was drawn up setting forth the damaging state of things to the Church, in the present dissension; and it received the signature of ten of the Prelates.

The Prussian Honiteur of the 26th announces the appointment of M. Radowitz to be Minister of Foreign Affairs,—significant of a' wary but energetic German policy. M. Schleinitz becomes a Privy Coun- cillor.

The Cassel Gazette contains a proclamation by the Elector, bringing to the knowledge of the public the exact nature of the steps which have been taken by the Frankfort Parliament on his case. In a sitting on the 21st instant, it was resolved as follows-

" Considering that, according to the spirit of the fundamental laws of the Confederation, as well as to positive resolutions of the Diet, and in particular according to the authentic interpretation of articles 57 and 58 of the Vienna Concluding Act contained in the decree of 28th June 1832, the right of re- fusing to the Government the taxes necessary to carry on the admmistration belongs in nowise to the States of a country; that, therefore, no resolution of such States, either directly or indirectly,.canprevent or limit the exercise of the Sovereign's right to levy taxes ; considering, further, that this refusal of- taxes has taken place in Electoral Hesse, in contravention of the Con- cluding Act of Vienna, articles 26 and 26; "Resolved-1. The Electoral Government is called upon to apply all the means possessed by a Government of this Confederation to establish the rightful authority of the Sovereign, now menaced in the Electorate. 2. The said Government is at the same time desired to report, without delay, to this Assembly, any proceedings taken by it in pursuance of the foregoing direction, together with their result. 3. The Diet reserves the right of ordaining further proceedings necessary for securing or restoring the legal state of relations between the Government and nation of Hesse Cassel."

These resolutions do not warrant the assertion elsewhere quoted from the Augsburg Gazette, that the Engeren Rath has at present resolved to give "assistance."

The Second Chamber of the Grand ,Duchy of Baden has resolved una- nimously to call on its own Government to use its influence for placing the Government of Electoral Hesse on a constitutional footing.