Dr. John T. White has added to his very useful
series of "Grammar- School Texts," The Acts of the Apostles, an edition of the Greek, with a vocabulary, which, as a matter of fact, contains much of the informa- tion which is commonly supplied by notes.—In "Collins's School and College Classics," we have Scott's Lay of the Last Minstre4 with intro- duction and notes, by James Morison. (Collins and Sons.) A map of the district (Roxburghshire) is a novel and useful feature.—We have also to notice the "First Part" of what promises to be a useful work, A Dictionary of English, French, and German Idioms, 4,c., by Arthur M. he Sainte-Claire, assisted by Emmanuel Pasquet and Dr. Otto Holscher. (Dalan and Son.)--We have received from Messrs. W. Blackwood and Sons, Vol. L of Felix Holt, the latest instalment of the
capital and handy cabinet edition of the Works of George Eliot, now being published in monthly volumes.