The Royal Guide to the London Charities (Hardwicke and Bogue)
has now reached its sixteenth annual publication. In his preface, Mr. Herbert Fry shows that "the enormous sums contributed to the numerous funds connected with the War in the East, to the China Famine Relief Fund, and other special funds, prejudicially affected in several instances the receipts of our home charities; but that, upon the whole, the mis- fortunes of 1877-8 have not been so severely felt as might have been expected, under circumstances of a threatened war abroad and contracted business, with strikes and lock-oats, at home." On the other hand, he says that " the munificent grants made last autumn to a number of the charities, amounting to nearly £100,000 (out of a bequest by the late James Graham, Esq.), occurred most opportunely, when other sources of charity had temporarily failed." The information given in the alphabetical list of charitable institutions is, as usual, corrected up to date.