THE French Elections came off on Sunday, and ended in a total defeat of the Boulangist coalition. They have carried, or may carry at the second ballots, six districts of Paris ; but throughout France they reckon only 36 victories, and .their total array, including Monarchists and Imperialists, will be little more than two-fifths of the Chamber. At present the Republicans have 215 candidates returned, and the Boulangists 159. The Republican candidates with few votes are unani- mously retiring from the second ballots, and the candidates with most votes will therefore be returned on October 6th. In that case, the Times' correspondent says, the Republicans will carry at least 106 seats out of 186, and adding to their side the 10 Colonial returns, which are really nominee seats for the Government of the day, we shall have :-
Republicans 331 Opposition ... 239 Minimum Majority ... ... 92 It is impossible till October 7th to give exact figures ; but it is believed that the proportion of Moderate Republicans re- turned is much greater than in the former Chamber, and that M. Clemenceau's following has much diminished. He himself needs a second ballot.