The police have totally failed to discover anything about the
last murder in Whitechapel, and the body of the victim has not been identified. The coroner's jury on Tuesday returned a verdict of " Murder against some one unknown," and it is evidently the opinion of the doctors, who gave the only sober evidence—the men found asleep under the arch having been too drunk to form opinions or notice events—that, while the woman may have been killed by the notorious Whitechapel murderer, it is more probable that she was killed by some one else, and her body brought from some distance. In the latter event, there is a chance of evidence at some future time, as there was probably a con- federate who was not the actual murderer, and who may betray him, either for a reward or for conscience' sake. In either case, it seems proved that a district cannot be watched like a room, the watchers getting tired and negligent, and that we must wait for evidence until a reviving thirst for blood, or the desire to keep on astonishing the world, compels the miscreant to commence operations once more.