The French Government, very wisely in their own interest, intend
to allow no discussion in the Chamber until they know whether Antananarivo has been carried or not. They are afraid of speeches proving that the mismanagement was due to a " war " between the Departments, the Colonial Office fighting the War Office, and the Ministry of Marine thwarting both. The Colonial Office wanted a Colonial General to command, General Desbordes for preference, but the War Office insisted on a candidate of their own. The Colonial Office, therefore, would not provide for the sick, and even, it is positively affirmed, rejected Mr. Cecil Rhodes's offer to receive them all. So they have been sent in crowded vessels to die of heat in the Red Sea. The sailors were irritated by being placed under the Ministry of War, and, to show that this was a bad arrangement, made everything, even the delivery of supplies, a little late. The French journals are furious, and the De- partments are trying to " explain " in long communiques; but to foreigners another question suggests itself. If the good- humoured gentleman in the President's chair is efficient, why did he not stop all this quarrelling? If M. Faure is not Chief of the Executive, what is he P It is a faculty to be able to make pretty speeches; but if we were Frenchmen, we should prefer a disagreeable President who did not treat his Ministers as if they were independent Sovereigns. Lincoln would have " made remarks " long since.