SIR,—Mr. Tollemache's letter in the Spectator of Sep- tember 21st, sent me to your issue of September 14th, which I had missed, and to your article on the "Genesis of University Myth." That article induces me to tell you (1) that the story about the head-master and the fugitive's coat-tail was a tradition at Harrow when I was there, 1867.72, and was then told of Archbishop Longley ; (2) that I was present on the occasion when the Master of Balliol rebuked a guest who talked indecently after dinner. "Shall we continue this con- versation in the drawing-room ?" were, I believe, his words. The date of the occurrence was Saturday, May 31st, 1884, and the offender was an eminent diplomatist.—I am, Sir, &c., GEORGE W. E. RUSSELL.