28 SEPTEMBER 1962, Page 14


Sia,--The main reason for the application to join the EEC is that British industry needs a large+ `home' market, and also because our vital expor. prospects would be much worse if we stayed out- side. Mr. Thompson, however. postulates a sub- side. Mr. explanation —so far below rational cow sciousness, in fact. that he cannot produce anY evidence for it.

He suggests that the motive for British i,s

entrY. that the Government will feel more at home In other 'white men' than with the predominantj„ coloured Commonwealth. Yet is there not a ti conscious motivation' behind this very sugges"„ani.. It may not be uncharitable to suggest that Thompson shares the widespread post-War g* complex about our imperial past: the 'victims /r yesterday are now the 'totems' of today. Even if Mr.'Thompson were correct, why sbouf Ida not the British object to 'boWing to the will (14iict majority of States whose wishes seem to con.0 with our interests as loyal members of the Westc ctiy alliance? Surely it is not wicked but Perfeiing natural for us to feel more comfortable in de`u:... 84a iltyh and iorvieenMr.

This will seem very

`bclioosloerg'ictIollyus geographically. el . , terrible to a man lik, Franco-German reconciliation as the 'Bonn-Paris Axis.' The EEC itself seems very wicked to those With a subconscious shame, not only of dealing with 'while men,' but even of being 'white men.'

Sometimes it is too appalling to contemplate the

agony of soul in a left-wing masochist, because he has the misfortune to be born with a white skin

and to live amid the age-old civilisation of Europe.