SI R, — Oliver Stewart is being less than fair to the Ministry
of Aviation in discussing why invitations to, the Farnborough Air Show were not sent to the Russians. The decision about invitations to the
Private days at this year's Farnborough Air Show was based on policy considerations and had nothing to do with security. The facts, which could easily have been dis- covered from either the Ministry or the SBAC, are that for some time now the British Government
has been negotiating with the Russian authorities for facilities to visit Russian aircraft factories, An agreement that Russia would exchange visits of this Kind was, in fact, made some time ago but the issue of an actual invitation to us has been long delayed. In these circumstances it was felt that to invite Russian guests again this year to the Farnborough display • --aY might well prejudice the prospects of secur- ing an effective exchange in these matters. Besides the flying display at Farnborough there is shown almost a complete range of British aero- nautical products and equipment. The Tushino Air ,,how has no such industrial participation and is '01' comparable. The Russian aircraft industry is at Present out of bounds to British visitors.. Surely it is not too much to ask for a little reciprocity?
Ministr Chief Information Officer
y of A Aviation, Shell-Mes House. Strand, WC2