Impending Apology?
The editor of the monthly journal of NATSOPA (the National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants) has honoured the Spectator by the production of a special supple- ment to attack an article which appeared in our issue of August 31, where Mr. Henry Fairlie wrote: 'The printing industry in this country is so riddled with restrictive practices that it is one of the few industries which would certainly stiffer heavily if it had to meet real competition from the Continent.' In the special supplement, which is attached to the September number of the journal, a good deal is said about the failure to prove the existence of restrictive practices in the printing industry. Those who make such charges, so we are, told, prove their ignorance of the business. I am quite willing to believe that the editor of NATSOPA's journal knows his business pretty well, and I shall be interestedto see his comments on the investigation collie"„ out by Personnel Administration Ltd., who re- ported to the Royal Commission on the Press that in national newspapers there could be a, saving of 34 per cent. in the manpower employed in production and distribution. Speaking as someone without access to the arcema ititPerii of the printing trade, I fancy that he
Mr. Fairlie an apology. owes us and