29 APRIL 1837, Page 10


Arrived—At Gravesend, April 211, Edward. Lindsay ; end 24th, 'Henry Wellesley, Freeman, from Singapore; 25111, B tchelor, Ellis, from Madras; Indemnity, Roberts, front Celou; and Barduster, 111. Donald, from Singapore; 27th. True Briton, Beach. from Madras; and Theresa, Young, from Bengal. At Deal. 27th, Lady Feversham, Webster, from Bombay ; and Mary. Taylor, from the Cape. Off Falmouth. 26th, Belhaven, Crawford. from Manilla. At Liverpool, 20th, Australia, Forrester ; 25th. Nestor, Johnson ; anti 27t14 Orient, Taylor, from Bombay. In the CI de, 20th, Vestal, Lyon, lions Bombay; and Malabar. Dunlop, front Mauritius. At St. Helena. Mem- non, Ekin; M' fumy, Cleland; Symmetry, Riley ; and London, W limbic, front Bengal ; and Malabar. Voss, from Bombay. At the Cape. Feb 12th, Henry. Bonney. front Naurithas ; 15th. Numa, OhIo. from Cork ; Elisabeth, Kelsou. from London ; mid M. S. E I phiustone, Toiler, from Bengal; 20th, Catherine, Rose, from London ; and 25th, Wellington, Liddell, from Madras. At the Mauritius, Jan.15114 Permid. Benton ; and 17th. Java. Todd. from London. At Bombav, Jan 23.1. William, Clark, from London ; Cheshire, Campbell, from Liverpool ; rand 1. Clunpbell, Paton, from the Clyde. At Bengal, Jan. 7th. Brilliant. Gilkison. from Liverpool. Sailed—From Gravesend, April 2401, W. Darras, Norrie, for Bengal. From Liver. pool, 21st, Isabel, Jones, for Bombay ; and 22d, Malcolm, Sim, for them ia. SsTunDAV MORNINO. Arrived—Off Hastings, Wellington. Liddell, from Madras. Off Plymouth, London, Vimble, from Bengal. At Leith, Tribune, Brow n, front Mauritius. At St. Helena. larch 8th, Sesostris, Yates, from Bengal; Otterspool, Richardson ; Orestes, Shettler ; 9th. S. Brown. Dunlap: and Princess Victoria, Lee, from China ; and Diana. Hawkins, from Bengal ; 10114 Tickler. —; anti Annaudale. —, from Ceylon; Favorite. —. from China: and Malabar, from Bombay ; 11114 Diana. Dutimen ; Coventry, Nudity ; and al 1,1 Lothian, Morrison. from China ; Aht,iouu. Underwood, from Bombay ; Cope' land, Crawford. from Bengal ; 12th, Zoe, Ilulmes; and Pitscot tie, Ogility, from Mmi- ritius ; and 13th, Fair Barbadittu, Roberts, front the Cape. At the Cape, March 1st. Lintin, Gillman, from Liverpool. At Madras, Jan. 20111. Roberts, Elder, from Loudon,