The agenry-ofliee of the I ludilersaild Banking Company at Brig-
house, in the parish of Halifax, Vorkshire. his been broken into, and a large iron sale, containing Bank of England notes, gold, mid other
decided bankers' notes, amounting in all to upwards of 1,:a , stolen. The medical Oliver,: of the Lanatie Asylum have given a opinion that tlreensmith, the wretched num who strangled his four children at Basford, —Nottingham .Larnal.
At the execution of Bartlett last Saturday, the hangman actually played the part of a buffoon to the populace, by siteeriugiy saying to the suspended corpse, " chap, you are dead enough," ■Sze. and danced' On the platform until the sin craters actually repeatedly laughed—be patted him mi his cheek, and heaved his cap from over his face, and shook hands with ltiln, and gave him a boX 011 ear. which turned him round and round. Several Woinen %Vele On the platform to have their necks charmed by rublang the dead man's hand over their wens as a cove ; :tad it is a Iltet that children were acting the execution in the streets after it was over, by playing. the part of Jaek Gloucester Journal. CUR this be true ?— Times. We have every reason to believe that the statement is too true, for we are informed that pri- vate letters received by the Committee of the Capital Punishment Society confirm the disgusting fact.— Standard.