We a re glad to see, that theCommiesioners of Post-office Inquiry,
in their Eiehililleport, condemn in some language the publication of the post.tce Shipping List by the Post-( ffiee elerks—t hey entire] y unser ut the cleats of a departmeet having any portion of their time sel
I in manegieg aud editing it publication of this nature,'Hild
consider it still mere objectionable that an exclusive ptivilege should love been conferred upon them of sending the publications which ere useamped postage free, and of receivieg and transmitting their returns end correspondence in the same manner." The Commissioners there-
fore recommend its immediate discontinuance. We congratulate the conductors of the Shippiny Gazette on the victory which they have thus achieved fur themselves aed the public, over, we cannot say their rivals, but the official monopolists of Post-offiee necommodetiun, who, en the stretigth of that single and unfair edventoge, though isliviously info lot in all other respects, pretended to compete with the Gazette.