A meeting was held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern
last night, in support of Mr. Elphinstone's Marriage and Divorce Bill, for placing di- vorcewithin the reach of the poor. Mr. Vernon, the Chairman, expressed
an opinion that divorce ought to be granted for other reasons than the various kinds of unchastity contemplated by the bill—such as the drunk- enness or other vicious example of a parent, and perpetual disagreement. Resolutions in favour of the bill were moved ; and Mr. Ruffey Ridley, a working man, moved an amendment, urging the extension of divorce to all cases in which the parties felt aggrieved : but the amendment having been negatived, the original resolutions were carried unani- mously. One of them appointed a deputation to wait on Ministers and the Archbishop of Canterbury, for the further exposition of the in- justice under the present system.