MONEY MARKET. STOCK Excnanoz. Earner Arrzazoon.
The operations of the week have not presented any circumstance worthy of remark. The price of Consols had fallen * per cent below the quotations of last week ; but the purchases of a broker who had previously sold extensively, gave a tone to the market, and the price has recovered again; the closing quo- tation for Money being 961 *, and for Account, 96* 1. The New Three-and- half per Cents have been depressed to 102*; one broker having to day sold 70,0001. at that price ; but the marketlhas rallied again, and closes nearly as last week. Their reduction has ceased to be agitated; and though all uncertainty on the subject will necessarily be removed by the financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the 8th May, scarcely any reports are afloat about it at present. There was a trifling demand for money in the Stock Exchange on Wednesday, and it was considered extraordinary that so high a rate of interest as 3 per cent should be obtained upon loans from day to day -, but that has sub- sided, and the current rate of interest upon the security of English Stock or Exchequer Bills is today from 1* to 2 per cent : Bank Stock has experienced a decline, being quoted at 179. We believe that this depression is only the natural result of the recent great advance that has taken place in the price of this security. The premium of Exchequer Bills remains the same.
The business of the Foreign Market has, as usual, centred in Spanish Stock, which has experienced some extraordinary fluctuation. The transactions have been almost entirely confined to the Three per Cent Stock ; which at the be- ginning of the week was as low as 311: the price improved in the course of Wednesday to 32*, which was also thej opening quotation of yesterday morn- ing. Some speculators, however, had received early intelligence of the decree issued by Senor RAMOR CALATBAVA on the 19th instant, ordering the Di- rector-General of the Sinking-fund to prepare for the dividends on the New Three per Cent Stock, due on the 30th June next : they bought very exten- sively, and the result of their operations was to carry the price up to 334. This morning the market opened at the latter quotation, but speedily declined to 32 ; and after much fluctuation, it closes at 33* *. The Active Stock has not been so much affected ; but the result of the operations of the week has been to establish an improvement in it of about 1 per cent above the lowest price. The frequency of declaratory decrees upon the subject of Spanish finance is becoming more remarkable; and there are not wanting malicious per- sons who assert that these things are Rut forth more with a view of assisting the speculators of certain influential men at Madrid than for any purpose of practical utility : indeed, the one issued on 19th in- stant, and the other that preceded it, were neither of them in fact decrees—they were only instructions upon an administrative regulation, and can neither of them be carried into effect without the sanction of the Cortes. The farther delay in the settlement of the Portuguese Tariff caused, when first known, a slight depresssion in Portuguese Bonds ; but, as last week, the purchases made on Dutch Account have been quite extensive enough to coun- teract the sales of the English holders, and the quotation remains nearly the same. Mexican Bonds are flatter. We do not hear that any number of the bondholders intend to avail themselves of the alternative offered by Messrs. Lamm' and Co.; indeed, it would be unwise to do so, as the Bonds would thereby be rendered unsaleable ; the present quotation being the price of the Bond with the Coupon of the over-due dividend attached. There has been a demand for some of the hitherto neglected Mining Shares. St. John Del Rey, which a few months ago were between 21. and 31., have been done several times lately at 6/. ; Imperial Brazilian, which have been long neglected, are also quoted at 8 ; and the Santiago are again quoted after a long abeyance. The St. John Del Rey are working more successfully than for some time, and a dividend of from 7s. 6d to 10s. per ;share is expected soon to be declared on them. The Del Monte Loan-notes are today quoted at 125, and the Shares at Si.
The price of some of the higher descriptions of Railway-shares is on the de- cline, especially those of the Birmingham, which are today quoted at 2071. The fall of the Shares since the payment of the dividend at the beginning of the year has been considerable - and is to be accounted for by the decline of the receipts, which have fallen off 10,0001. during the seventeen weeks that have elapsed of the present year, as compared with the first seventeen weeks of 1842. This is the more remarkable' as the past year was one of pressure and difficulty, and it was naturally to be expected that with a revival of business the traffic would increase. The decline of price of one leading railway affects all others, unless such decline be produced by some entirely local cause; and hence there is generally heaviness in these Securities, with the exception of some lines which are approaching completion, and have long been at greatly depressed prices. The Paris and Lille Railway Shares have not yet made their appearance in the market ; but another French scheme is now in agitation, viz. the forma- tion of a company to construct two railways branching from Orleans; one to Tours, and the other to Vierzon : the capital required is 900,0001. in 45,000 shares of 201. each. Unless, however, the French Chambers show more libe- rality, and allow the iron for these railways to be supplied from England or Belgium, instead of forcing the shareholders to pay 100 per cent advance upon it to the monopolist iron-masters of France, there is no great chance of much English capital being diverted into these enterprises.
There is not any change in the price of the English or Foreign Funds this morning: the quotations, with the exception of those of Spanish Stock, being the same as yesterday. These latter have given way about *, but the decline has occurred without any business of importance having been transacted.
The English Funds close at the morning's quotations, but little business has occurred during the afternoon. The market exhibits rather a firmer appearance, though without any alteration in price. Canada Debentures have been done at 111 The Foreign Funds are nearly the same, with the exception of Spanish and Mexican Bonds, the former of which have been at a decline of *per cent upon our morning's quotation ; the Three per Cents having fallen as low as 32*, and the Five per Cents Active to 22*. An improvement has, however, sines occurred, and the closing quotation of the Three per Cents is 32* and of the Active 241. The difficulty experienced by the Regent in the limitation
of a Ministry, is stated as the cause of the depression. The decline of Mexican Bonds has not been so extensive, these Securities having fallen to 29; at which price there were buyers at the close of business.
We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares in addition to those cited in the morning. Bristol and Exeter, 57; Eastern Counties, New, Registered, 11k; Ditto, Debentures, 11*; Great Western, 90 89* 4; Ditto, New, 66 5*; Ditto, Fifths, 17*; Brighton Loan-notes, 10i; Blackwell, 58 i; Birmingham, 208; Ditto, Thirds, 66*; Greenwich, Privilege, 17*; Northern and Eastern, Quarter Shares, 3*; ; Paris and Lyons, 2*; Paris and Rouen, 26*. It will be seen that GreatWestern are from li. to 30s. lower ; the tolls during the week ending this day, having experienced a considerable decline. Monday next will be kept as a close holyday, both at the Bank and Stock Exchange.:
3 per Cent Consols
9131 4
Chilinn Deferred 31 3 Ditto for Amount 964 4 Colombian 6 per Cents,1824. 241 54 3 per Ceut Reduced 951 1 Danish 3 per Cents 85 6 3} per Cent Ditto.... 10Ik 1 Dutch 24 per Cents 561 I- New 34 per Cents 1024 4 Ditto 5 per Cents 1005 4 Bank Stock for Account 179 80
Mexican 5 per Cents Count .
294 k Exchequer Bills
prem 65 9 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841
40 4
India Stock
2674 Russian 5 per Cents
114 4
Brazilian 5 per Cents 75 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 224 4 Belgian 5 per Cents 1044 51
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
324 1 Chilian 6 per Cents .... ...... 89 91
The quarterly average of the liabilities of the Bank of England for the four weeks ending the 22d instant, exhibits, as compared with the last, an increase of 146,0001. in the amount of the circulation, and of 136,000/. in that of the bul- lion; while the deposits have decreased 369,0001., and the securities 263,000/. As compared with the return of January last, there is an increase of 897,0001. in the circulation, of 1,217,0001. in that of the deposits, of 485,0001. in the bullion, and 1,915,0001. in the securities. If the comparison be carried back to the corresponding period of last year, the increase will be found to be as follows. Circulation, 3,004,001.; deposits, 3,351,0001.; securities, 1,689,0001.; and the bullion, 4,600,000/. The actual amount of bullion in store must, however, be nearly 500,000/. above the average given by the present return, viz. 11,675,000/. instead of 11,190,0001.