On the 10th April. at Naples, the Hon. Lady PEARSON, of a son. On the 19th, at St. Andrea 's, the Lady of Major PLAYCAIR. Provost of the City,
of a daughter. •
On the 19th, at Merton Vicarage, the Wife of the Rev. G. STUPART• of a daughter. On the 21st. Queen Anne Street, the Lady of Major J. A. Mame. of a son. On the 21,4, at the Deanery, Gloucester. the Lady of WILLIAM Wino:eta, Esq., of a sou.
On the 22d, the Lady of Helene WILsoN. Esq., of Stowlangtoft Hall, Suffolk, of a daughter. Ou the :.34, at the East India College, Ilaileybury, Sleets, the Wife of the Rev. Pro- fessor Ileavianne. of a SOU.
On the 24th, at Eglingham Vicarage, Northumberland, Mrs. Hexer MALTIW, of a son. On the 27th, id Manchester Square, Lady LAMBERT, of a sou.
On the 201h April. at Thoydon Gramm], Essex. the Rev. CHARLES TOWER, Rector of Chilmark. Wilts, eldest sou of the late Rev. Charles Totter, of Shentield. Essex. to RI.I.EN FRANCES, fdurth daughter of Wimasm CuIHEAD MARSH. Esq., of Park Hall. Essex.
On the 20th, at Clifton, Church, the Rev. WILLIAM PEETE MUSGRAVE. Rector of Eaten Bishop. Herefordshire, to PENELOPE. eldest daughter or WILLIAM PARRY, Esq.. late of Grasmere. Westmoreland.
On the 20th, at Edinburgh. Aieratia Foams, Esq., W.S., to Cnaexerrre, eldest daughter of the lute Colonel limmstre. On the 21st. at George Square. Edinburgh, James Low, Esq.. Berrywell. Berwick shire, to JEaSIlt. elde-t daughter of G. Tuairser.r., Esq., of Abbey F2. Itathans. W.S.
On the 22d, at St. Marylebone Church, the lion. ARTHUR EDMUND DENNIS DILLON. third son of the late Viscount Dillon, to ELLEN, daughter of the late J. ADDERLY. Esq. On the 224. at Upper Deal. Joins W. WINO, Esq., Barrister-at-law, and Fellow o f University College, Oxford, to RATE CURLING. only daughter of HENRY TRYON, Eeq. , R.N.
On the 24th, at Trinity Church. Cloudesly Square, Islington. the Rev. W. E. L. FaetKsEn. A.M., minister of Clerkenwell. to Msay ANN, eldest daughter of the late THOMAS MElrei-71, F.sq Ou the 251h, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, WILLIAM FAWICENER Carr. WYND, Bart., of Brockton Huh, Stalin," second son of the late Sir George Chetwynd. of Crandon Hall, Warwickshire, to MARY ANNE. fourth daughter of Sir OSWALD MOSLEY, Bart., of %Mesta' S:affordsbire.
On the 5th April. drowned while on his passage from Portsmouth to Sheerness, FREDERICK BIM Midshipman in the Royal Nosy, second sou of Sir George Rich, of Lowndes Street, Belgrave Square ; in his .17th year.
On the 7th. at Crichlewood, Hendou, Joust. eldest son of the late Joux ftrerneneoen Esq., of Morpeth, elaimaut to the barony of Rutherford, in Roxburghshire; in his 43d year.
On the 9th, in South Street, Grosvenor Square. JOHN ALLEN, Esq., Master of Du College ; in his 724 year. On the 10th, at Naples, GEORGE TURNOUR. Esq., eldest son of the late Hon. George Tumour; in his 45th year.
On the 12th, nt Bruntsfield Lodge, Edinburgh, Major-General Sir DAVID FOULS. K.C.B.; in his 74th year. On the 19th, at the Vicarage, the Rev. CHRISTOPHER PARRIES. for upwards of Arty years Pastor of the parish of Gresford; in his 77th year. On the 20th, at Edinburgh. Captain RICHARD HUSSEY CHARLES MOUBRAY. of the First Regiment Makes Native Cavalry, second son of Sir Robert Moulmay, of Coekairny.
county of Fife, K.H. •
Ou the 20th, at Bury, near Alverstoke. Haute, Major J. Unix:or JONES, of the Bengal East India Company's Service; iu his 534 year, On the 20th, at Brad wall Hall. Cheshire, Jam LATHAM, M.D., F.R.S.. formerly President of the Royal College of Physicians; in his 824 year. Ou the 22d, at his seat, Nannau, near Dolgelly, Sir ROBRICT WILLIAMES VAUGHAN. Bart., for 44 years M.P. for the county of Merioneth; in his 76th year. On the 22d. at Hickelton, near Doncaster, S. F. WOOD, Esq., youngest son of Six Francis L. Wood ; in his 37th year. On the 23d, of typhus fever. JOHN, only son of Major CAMPBELL, of Ormidele, Argyle- shire.
On the 23i1, at Willersley, Derbyshire, Reamer, Aliewerawr. Esq.; in his 87th year. On the 23d, at Shotover House, near Oxford. MARY THOMPSON, the Widow of Ilenty Thompson. Esq., of Kirby Hall, York ; in her 93d year, On the 234, the Rev. Amsnose Geom. A.M.. Vicar of Terringtou, Norfolk, and Rector of Waddingworth, Lincolnshire; in his74th year.
Ou the 26th. the Rev. WILLIAM MANN, M.A., of St. Saviour's, Southwark. having been Chaplain of the said parish fir forty years. Mr. Mann was also Chaplain to the county of Surrey for thirty-six years, and for the like period to the Fishmongers' Com- pany; in his 84th year.