BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. IVednes.
3 per Cent. Consols 964. 961 Ditto for Account... 961 961 3 per Cents. Reduced 951 95} 3} per Ceuta. Reduced 101} 102
New per Cents 102/ 1021
Long Annuities 121 121
Bank Stock, 7 per cent. 183 182
India Stock. 10} 268} 268} Exchequer Bills, ltd. p. diem 69 pm. 67
India lianas. 3} per cent - 75 pm. 75
Gold, Foreign is 11.s .. per on. 31. 171. 5,1. Copper, British Cakes.per too 521.0,0d to 0 0 a Old Spanish or Pillar llollers.. 0 o a Iron, British Burs 5 0 0- 0 •0 Mexican.. . .. o 4 04 Lead, British Pig 16 10 I/ -17 0 0 Silver in Bars, Stood ird u 4 I I I Steel, English u o • 9
GRAIN, Mark Lane. April 28. .
Eye a s. ao to 32 lisp's.. ... SS to 29 Chsts, Feed .. . 17 tole Barley .... 23 .. 25 White 28 .. Ile Fine .. . to ..19, Melting -7 . 20 Boilers... . .31 an Poland . ... 20.. In Malt, Ordinary. 4; .. So Beane, Ticks ..25 .. 261 Fine El ..911 Flee SO .. is Old 07 .. 25, Potato...... el .. 23 Pees, Hog 27 ..28 Harms.. -.26 .. 301 Fine .... 23 .. Mt Wheat, RedNew30 to 42
Fine 44..46 Old 32 .. 34
White 24..88
Fine SuperfineNew. ES
AVERAGE PR CES OF CORN. fee Quarter (Imperialof Erigl.d end VI ales. Wheat ....... a s. ad 1 Rye ills. rd Barley es S Beans .. 56 2 Oats ..... 17 4 Pe. 28 o
Town-made.... ........ ....per sack 40s. to 43a
Seconds OS - 40
Esse: and Suffolk, on board ship 30 - 35
Norfolk and Stockton......... an -- Or BRAN per quarter Os. to os.
POLLAHD, fine 06. to Os. BREAD, Sid. to 74,1. the alb. Loaf.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
DO, 10,s 00s.. 40.... a... Os 65s • 114s.
70 .. 54 a .. 8 47 .. 52 46 30 0 .. 0 40 s. 50
is. 4d to 3s. Od. ta, sa. 4d. .. ...... 2..1C,I. to 3.. 4.1 a; 44. Od.
2 4 . 3 0 3 • 3 0 .. 3 6 .. 4 2
2 4 .. 3 4 .. 4 6 3 0 .. 4 0 .. 4 10
2 6 .. a 8 . 4 4 3 6 .. 3 10 .. 4 4
• To sink the offal-per alb.. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIF.LD,
Resole Shoop. Calves. Pigs !t? 7 I. 3,022 34 0 160 1 ..... 801 S 07 858
lisps Oil ......... .., „,par eft IL 17a. 65 Refilled 0 0 0
Liascea Oil 1 13 0
Linseed Oil Cake per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES. per dozen, 00.0d. to Os. Od. Mould. (ed. per Os. Od. COALS. Hetton 20s. ed.
Tee. 20..0d.
iou during tl e Week ending Friday Evening.) Ct. Mexican 5 p. Ct.
- Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Michigan 6 - 1051 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 - ta 75} Neapolitan 5 29} New York (1855) 6 84 Ohio 6 - 88} Pennsylvania 5 - 25 Peruvian 6 - 851 Portuguese 3 - 561 Ditto 5 100} Ditto (New) 5 - 831. Russian 5 - - Spanish 5 - Ditto (Passive) - Ditto (Deferred) - South Carolina 5 p. Ct. - Tennessee- ....... 6 - - Uuited States Bank 92 Virginia. 5 - (Last Official Quota Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Arkansas (1863) 6 Austrian 5 Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - Chiliau 6 Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 2} - Ditto (Ditto) 5
Freuch a -
Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 Illinois 6 Kentucky 6 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland 6 - Massachusaetts(Sterling)5 - 29/
67 191 70 114} 23/ 121 158. '
RES. e Week ending Friday Evening.) lianas-
Australasian British North American Colonial Lundou aud Westmiuster London Joint Stuck National of Ii cloud National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union or Australia Unita. of Loudon DOCKS - East and West India London St. Katherine
MUCELLANEOUs- Australian Agricultural.
British American Land Canada General Steam New 'Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemeu's Land 6 5;
2074 101 83 65
68 251 65} S H A (Last Official Quotation during th &Janos ............. • .. - Brazilian Imperial 8 Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cata Branca Candouga Cobre Copper
Chelteuham and Great Western 29 Eastern Counties 10 Grandluuction Great Western.. ........ 91 Liverpool and Manchester - London aud Brighton 351 London and Blackwell Loudon aud Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon mid Condon Manche .ter aud Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-eastern sod Dover South-western 221 12/ 141 351 44} 331 10 127f 03e 1071 41/ 271 19 5 96} 96} 951 101} 1021 121 182 268} 69 96} 96} 951 1011 1021 121 180} '268 67 Thurs.
961 95} 1011 102} 121 179 267 67
Friday. 96 961} 9 10111 51 102} 21 1 179 266 69 75
For the present Week. Wheat ass. ad1 Nye Its. 1141.
Barley 9 0 Bea. 11 0 Oats 8 0 Peas 11 6
BUTTER-Rest Fresh. IS.. Oil. pre dos.
Carlow, 31. ow. to 31 los. per cost.
BACON, Small Old, per cwt..- 0.. to 0.. CHEESE. Cheshire 46s• to 74s.
Derby Main 425.10 MN. HAMS, York Dos. to 745 EGGS, French... per ten 4s. ed. to se. 9d.
Hay, Good
Inferior New
Clover 86 110 Strew, wheat
Beef Mutton Veal Pork Lamb
TEA. Bolen, fine, p.lh. W. 8.1. - 0 0.
Congou, One ...... 7 - 2
Souchong, fine y 0 -3 •
u°3d-Du1yla. td.per lb. COFFEE, fine On bd) per cat. 116s. to 1113, Good Ordinary res. SUGAR. M u.covado. per cat.114-.90. West 11011,1 ai 29s.