29 APRIL 1854, Page 13

Ittttro to 4t Mafia.


London, 27th April 1854.

Sue—As many persons are at present discussing what is to be done with the seamen taken prisoners on board Russian prizes, I would suggest that the best thing to be done with them is to make use of them. They are all Fins; unwilling subjects of the Emperor Nicholas, and much more inclined to fight against than for him. Why should they suffer for his misdeeds ? They are, generally, excellent sailors—just the sort of men we now want to man our transports and emigrant ships; and, as they would be delighted to serve on board English vessels, and earn the present high wages given to seamen, they should be allowed to do so freely ; and thus, instead of being an encumbrance and expense, they would be of great service to us, as well

as to themselves, and would probably remain for ever attached to their adopted country. R. G.