Favourable weather, coupled no doubt with the desire to take
advantage of the disturbances in Ireland, has led to a resumption of air raids. On Monday a seaplane appeared over Dover and Deal, but was driven off without doing any damage. On the same night tour or five Zeppelins, which had probably been acting as scouts for the naval raid on Lowestoft, crossed the Norfolk and Suffolk coasts between 10 and 11 p.m., but only two made any serious attempt to penetrate inland. About seventy bombs were dropped, and for several hours the Zeppelins were hovering over the district, but no military and little material damage was done, and only one man was injured. On Tuesday night four Zeppelins raided the counties of Kent and Essex, but the effective concentration of searchlights and a brisk fire from anti-aircraft guns caused them to retreat after having achieved little or nothing. On Wednesday Zeppelins attempted to penetrate our defences on the East Coast of Kent, but were soon driven off. Only one bomb appears to have been dropped, and that fell into the sea.