On Monday there was a whole day's strike in Dublin,
called by the Labour leaders as a protest against " the outrages of gunmen, irrespective of party." The ordinary activities of the city were brought to a standstill. The only excitement of the day was caused by bogus posters, the authors of which:. could not be traced, proclaiming an Irish Workers' Republic —otherwise Soviet Government, we suppose. It seems that a week ago General O'Connor, from his stronghold at the Four Courts, sent a manifesto to Dail Eireann, the terms of which, however, were not published in the newspapers till Monday. He demands the maintenance of the existing Republic ; the recognition of Dail Eireann as the only Government of the country ; the creation of an elected executive to control the I.R.A. ; the disbanding of the Civic Guard ; and the postpone- ment of all elections " so !ong as the threat of war by England exists." What threat ?