29 APRIL 1922, Page 14



April 29th.—lismiun OF ARTS GUM:Ilk/USE, Eeclestan Square, S.W.—Lecture Recital on English

Folk Song by Dr, R. Vaughan Williams s.o

Ube great river of folk song, which has but lately revived the long arid plains of. British music, knows few navigators more skilful than Dr. Vaughan Williams. The Guildhouse should be over aostio May '1st.—ROYAL 'OPERA HOUSE, Covent Garden.—La .. 8.30

[First night of an eight weeks' season by the British National Opera 'Company:]

May let.--Wlamos. Ham.--Recital of Old Music .. .. 8.15 [Harpsichord (Mr. Gerald Cooper) and violoncello (Miss Eden Lined) sonatas by Corelli-anti Marcell° : and, for thole who

• still believe. old songs are sweetest, a -group of seventeenth- century airs snug by Miss Dorothy Helmrich.)

May 2nd.—Wiesionz Thur. —Chamber Music Players 3.o

[Good artists all, In a programed ranging from the three " B.'s " to -Doimanyi.1

May :3rd.--1-Queen's lisee.-4Recital by S. Battistini .. 3.0

'[The veteran baritone has :come to recapture the esteem he won sixteen years ago at Covent Garden. For the benefit-of this generation he might be described as the Cholla& of the South.]

May 5th.—Quenw's Hatt,—Recital by S. Titta Ruffo 8.15

[Another fine baritone who, like so many of the best artists in Europe, has helped to make the Metropolitan Opera, New York, a Gargantuan-nest of- singing-birds.]

May 6th.—QuEzN's HALL.—Pianoforte Recital by M.

Scrgei Rachmaninof .. 3.0

-10na'roVtlie good conservative of Russian composers, who comes to remind us that as an executant alone he has claims on our attention-]