Kenya, as we must learn to call British East Africa,
is to be congratulated on its Press. The Kenya Graphic (Nairobi : The Swift Press, 3 florins) is an elaborate and handsome pro- duction of over a hundred pages which would do credit to any publisher at home. It is illustrated with many attractive photographs of Kenya scenery, the blocks from which were made in Nairobi. The principal article, among several ' interest, contains Mr. R. 0. Preston's recollections of Kenya a quarter of a century ago, when ho was working on the con- struction of the Uganda Railway. The railway made Kenya and gave peace and prosperity to Uganda, but it is well to remember that the British loan for the building of the line was bitterly opposed by a large section of the Liberal Party. Mr. Preston gives a lively account of the difficulties that the engineers had to overcome. He saw something of the man-eating lions of Tsavo, but his best story is of a rhinoceros hunt, in which the animal chased one of the hunters round and round' a bush while the other hunter clung for dear life to the rhinoceros's tail.