Because of other commitments. Mr. Mark Chapman-Walker had to give
up his Joint- Managing Directorship during the year, but fortunately for your company was able to con- tinue as a member of your Board. Mr. Alfred Francis therefore became sole Managing Direc- tor. During the year Mr. Tom Jones, the Managing Director of Berrows Newspapers. was elected to your Board.
The Nature of Regional Television
It may be imagined that a regional pro- gramme company which originates only 15%
=.= -7:-_ La: of transmissions in its area has in some degree a diminished responsibility. Your Directors do not share this view. On the contrary, they believe that a regional company has a special responsibility for imprinting its personal stamp on Independent Television as a whole. It can do this only by establishing its true identity in its own region and by considering first the in- dividual needs of its own viewers. By so 'doing it may develop a distinctive flavour which pleases a wider audience—as witness the popu- larity of Land of Song, a monthly musical pro- gramme produced in the Welsh language which achieves good Sunday ratings all over the country, not least in Scotland. It is not the size or quantity of regional contributions to tele- vision which matter most; it is the quality. Because we aim always at quality, in whatever kind of programme we originate, we are in a position to welcome our share of public responsibility and to aim at giving a valuable and lasting service to the community.