29 APRIL 1972, Page 20

Toryism, Whiggery

Sir: .Pleasant as it is to see Professor Vincent once more writing for The Spectator (April 15), he cannot be allowed to get off scot-free with presenting socialist/liberal cliches about Tories being intellectual clods, who are simply villains in a Marxist version of history. Of course, there is no Tory philosophy in the formal, dogmatic sense (no Clause IVs, no Marx and no Franz Fanon, thank God), apart from the pleasant wishful thinking of Filmer and Bolingbroke over two centuries ago. Yet it is in the very absence of a defined, structural

batum from Holinshead's Chronicle, contrasted with Burton's summary description of intuitive phenomena: his contemplation . . Grew like the summer grass, fastest by night, Unseen, yet crescive in his faculty."