The Emancipation Society have called Lord Russell's atten- tion to
the danger of permitting the two powerful iron-clads with iron turrets and prows which Messrs. Laird are, it is said, now building for the Confederates, one of which is now ready to sail, to leave the Mersey, and, strange to say, their memorial is supported by the Times. While the Alexandra appeal is still unheard, and Lord Russell has so strongly pro- fessed his conviction that our Foreign Enlistment Act is ade- quate for its purpose, that he is not willing to strengthen it even on condition that the American Government strengthens their Act in an equal degree, it would be most impolitic, as well as unjust, to permit the escape of far more dangerous and powerful depredators than the Alexandra. -These vessels are certainly "equipped" and "fitted out" within the meaning of the Act ; and if evidence can be given, as is generally believed, as to their destination, to permit their escape would be an act of fatal weakness and partiality. The Times is at last alarmed for the consequences.