The Secret Government of Poland have just published a series
of laws, constituting tribunals through the country, appointing public prosecutors, authorizing accused persons to defend themselves, and erecting three supreme courts' with irremoveable judges, who are to be self-elective. These Courts have power to try all the higher officials, and even the members of the National Government—a regulation almost unknown in European politics, though found in the Amerioan Constitution and the French fundamental law of 1848. The Government has also published a press law, copied, we regret to perceive, from that of France. These laws, issued by an unknown Government, amidst a population still ruled by a foreign Power, would read like a student's dreams,—only they are executed. It would be very dangerous indeed to refuse to appear before the Supreme Court of Lublin because its commission was not producible, and no sentence as yet imposed has been left unexecuted.