The Confederates complain bitterly of their dogs. The (Georgia) Columbus
Sun estimates that there are a million dogs in the Confederacy, and that the dogs eat many more of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table than their masters can at all spare. It indulges in this gloomy piece of -arithmetic :—" Suppose, for instance, that each dog will con- sume only one half-ounce of bread per day—that is certainly a moderate estimate, but we desire to be clearly within the -bounds of reason—then the million of curs would consume three millions five hundred thousand ounces per week, or fifteen millions one hundred and sixty-six thousand six hun- dred and sixty-six and two-thirds pounds per annum. At present prices, the bread thus consumed by these worthless -dogs would amount to a sum of no less than forty-six hundred thousand dollars." It ends with pledging itself to support no one on the hustings who will not sacrifice the million -dogs, and manufacture the million dog-skins. If the Con- federates, then, should go to the dogs, the dogs at least will not rejoice.