f ARSHAL MACMAHON concluded his tour in Brittany on in Wednesday. Upon the whole, it has not been a success. The Bishops and priests everywhere received him with speeches pledging him to use France to defend the Church, and_the townspeople, resenting this, in many places raised the cry of " Vive is Repub.. lique !" The Mayors, too, and Presidents of the tribunals of com- merce asked for "definitive institutions" so frequently, that it became necessary to reject all addresses not previously approved. The general verdict of the people on the Marshal is that he is a "mere soldier," and this impression has not been dissipated by his nearly total silence under so many provocations to make an important speech. The silence is taken for stupidity. Altogether the enterprise has been a failure, and the contemplated tour in the South will, it is believed, be abandoned. If it is not, the President will hear some unpleasant truths, and perhaps be forced to say 4 something more than that he is " there " for seven years. The South is perfectly honeycombed with " Red " organisations.