A correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette, writing from Santander,
states positively that the Carlist leader Saballs shot 185 men of the brigade under General Nouvilaa, which had surrendered to him. He first ordered that all should be shot, and then that all the Custom-House soldiers should be, and every fifth officer and soldier of the Line. The Carabineros, 75 in number, were shot at Llanes, and buried in the cemetery there ; and the 114 troops of the Line near San Juan de las Abadesas. The motive for shooting these prisoners appears to have been the difficulty of sparing the soldiers necessary to guard them. If this statement is correct, it should be circulated by the Madrid Government throughout the Army, as the best possible preventive of capitulations. It will be observed that these men were not shot for anything they had done, but merely because by existing they gave their captors too much trouble.