The race-hatred that is growing so fierce in the Southern
States has broken out again this week, 111 a savage collision between the whites and the negroes at Trenton, in the State of Tennes- see. The origin of the trouble appears to have been very similar to that of the conflict at Austin, in the neighbouring State of Mississippi, recently suppressed ; and no doubt, in all the States along the great river the two races are ready to fly at each other's throats. At Trenton the negroes are said to have organised an armed force, and "threatened to exterminate the whites," but in the actual conflict that occurred, the latter seem to have obtained the upper hand ; they made several of the negroes prisoners, and lynched sixteen of the ringleaders. The telegrams do not tell us whether or not the disturbance is at an end, but it may well be ima- gined that at Memphis, which lies about midway between Austin and Trenton, there is not a little alarm. A war of races is a danger tinder the threat of which no community can remain tranquil.