A ease of some importance to Insurers was decided by
Baron Amphlett at Birmingham on Tuesday. The plaintiff, Dr. Jay, married a Mrs. Lupton, who possessed an annuity of £1,000 a year. To protect himself, he insured her life in 1872 for £3,000, with the Gresham Life Assurance Society. Mrs. Jay died in 1873, and the assurers refused to pay the money, alleging that Dr. Jay had concealed the material fact that his wife had for years been addicted to excessive drinking. The evi- -deuce as to Mrs. Jay's habits was very strong, though vitiated in part by the malice of the witnesses, some of whom were rela- tives, and consequently hated Dr. Jay for taking 11,000 a year .out of the family. The evidence for his knowledge of the facts was not, however, so strong ; and the jury, after a five-hours'