Spanish Unrest While the Catalan leader, Colonel Maeia, has had
a friendly reception in Madrid and the Catalans are counting on the recognition of their autonomy by the rest of Spain, it is far from clear that the claims of the Basques to enjoy Home Rule will be conceded. The Republican Government has concentrated three brigades of troops in the Basque provinces and sent two cruisers to Bilbao, evidently fearing disturbances. The Basques, proud of their ancient race and language, are once again claiming the " fueros " or rights that, until a century ago, every Spanish monarch swore to maintain. The position is complicated by the fact that in the Basque country the Church is strong, while the Carlist movement, now centred in Don Jaime, King Alfonso's cousin, has many supporters. Those Spanish Republicans who are secularists and hanker after a strong central government, may find it difficult to concede the Basque demands. But we hope that moderate counsels will prevail on both sides.