29 AUGUST 1941, Page 13


Sta,—I notice in your columns a letter regarding the non-collection of refuse in the Henley Rural District Area. In this connexion I would like to mention that representations on the subject were made to me by the Clerk of the Henley R.D. Council, and as a consequence I put down the following question in the House of Commons on July 31st : " Sir Gifford Fox asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the Henley Rural District Council has abandoned the collection of house-refuse owing to labour- and petrol-difficulties, and whether he will anis, them to maintain this sanitary service."

To this Mr. Brown, the Minister of Health, replied:

"I understand that the Council have found it necessary to reduce their refuse-collection service. The salvage- and refuse- department of the Council is, however, being provisionally scheduled under the Essential Work (General Provisions) Order,

1941, as from Monday (August 4th, 1941). I am informed that no representations from the Council as to petrol-difficulties have been received by the Petroleum Department."

I think this explains the position quite clearly.—Yours faithfully,