SIR,—Your correspondent Leslie- Adrian's feeling that the airline companies no longer treat their customers with that delicious air of a first-class butler is borne out by my own experience. For the last seven years we have been travelling to Guernsey. We booked for this summer well in advance as usual• (right back last autumn, as a matter of fact). Yet on the return trip to Cardiff, which now takes three times as long as it used to, owing to travelling from Guernsey to Cardiff via Jersey and Bristol, we were obliged to get off the plane at Jersey and spend some time in a queue, show our tickets all over again, and finally return to the same plane. The interesting thing was to observe the attitude of the other passengers. No one thought that this was silly. No one complained (except me). And the attitude taken by officialdom on these occasions is, 'No one else is complaining. Why should you?'
The pilots and hostesses are as wonderful as ever. But the ground people seem to have been bitten by the British Railways bug.—Yours faithfully, .FELIX WATKINS Far Side, 25 Southbank Road, Hereford