Free and unabridged
Sir: I read with great interest the article written by Peter Levi (`Books on tape', 8 August). Much of the frustration he expressed with the tapes to which he lis- tened is really a reflection of the heavy edit- ing from which so many recorded texts suf- fer. Most tapes currently on sale are abridged for commercial reasons, but your readers may be interested to know that this organisation offers a free alternative for their friends or relatives who are visually impaired and no longer able to read stan- dard print.
Calibre provides a free postal library ser- vice of books on standard cassette for blind or print-disabled people, all of which have been read from cover to cover. With over 5,000 titles (including nearly 1,000 for chil- dren) read by 100 professional actors, there is a great deal to choose from, all entirely free from the tiresome intrusion of an edi- tor. Further details of this valuable service can be discovered by ringing us on 01296 432339.
J.R. Palmer
Cassette Library for the Blind and Print Disabled, Aylesbury, Bucks