The ports have been open to foreign corn at the
lowest duty for nearly a month ; yet the quantity imported is small, and prices con- tinue to rise. The exchanges have fallen to the point which makes
it profitable to export btillion t.• •lte ..1 ; and there is a g..t.e- ral belief' that the opotatiim carried o.,. .11. nee
a reduction of the treasure and a contraction of the issues in the Bank of England.
Incendiarisnt is spreading. There are accounts of ((Mill fires iu
Essex, Shropshire, and I ;1,111 nun r
and characterized by a remarkable riegee, of darit,g, The -1///a.- cheater Guttreliait,'.a relating a serit s of Litirgtarie, tend in ;be neiglibootheods aks'itott, , -t es :hat the proceedings ct.itwe -• en sditaa Le.: , what is usually nuetifested by the ..oeialen eobla t/ceasiana' alectil:g of the ;en thinly attended, and the politi :.1 ie. a.. et ate .a.1, massee would :( cm to be in the walls. fo; a ise natural
c(015(ane.noe ti the taaeemew .. ,ate ill the atakir of the middie classes.
aAtiicultural inttaast is s,t fteel :1;c ;._.rain am- nopoly fr(ea the lame:v.:ea- , a it The, e tea:, a e:1..
antster ..f leaidoeaters tlee :27s, :ye in where the _Marquis of ("ii.ValfloS " liG ••Bri't at' the motto of his ra.e. y. The Birmingham Tories have sta'... ( • attplete defeat in the
first Al eui• ipal efgctiga: ta've ands ,t, ,n•
Contesti•nr.: very a .••-•,. tacit. caotlia.n., :( there a1:1. it.a be a siaale ((user ,, . tine Caadeil.
/:;raa;:,.-,-..a,5 „Aria the .1( • ■1■■2 ■ • !;.• rtot tiiil'”,;• • !, nt tats' i's.!■sitt sit • .4, •Cl and its is •;11!i.` ‘1,1, ,:j.1 iCt • .s.1.1f: f kal.■•21,4 141 ti (.5; \
said that `• the smialth-toligued. 't% Lay, or the " hang 1;a:1 ,1 re.m.t." a na- •
peeled, we prystittu., that %%• higs , I...ix:7 • . • eaI il.2,11111.4 tits BR ill'al • ; the coaliGro'' is. I t.. hay:. •iai ripe in ilirininiltam. Tile success of the Liberal part( th:
not surprised us : .11 !.. n of Irirtilie.X.tato. twit);
thelves and sinew,. ;IA %%a. ;
actions to sireotl: ' y:. liave it of " on the back," er of " ; i!, • `I' t c.i.tacs t.t prove tittles( i( e do ; ie ....ell a .1.,
Itar,..t. a-. the ; • 1. ;,, .