The session of the Portuguese Cortes was opened on the
18th instant, with a speech from the Queen. Her Majesty congratulated the assembly on the birth of an Infante—" another pledge of the succession to the crown, and of peace to Portugal." The foreign relations of the country were declared to be satisfactory, but the internal tranquillity of the kingdom was disturbed by " small bands of rebels." The state of the revenue " presented a flattering future, which ought to inspire the public creditor with confidence." Local and fiscal reforms, and attention to the " Ultramarine possessions." were promised by her Majesty. Whilst the Queen delivered the address, of which these are the principal points, the King sat by her side on a lower throne. There was no manifestation of public feeling in Lisbon,—unle.•s perfect indifference to the proceedings be taken as indication of popular discontent.