sepal speaker ; and Y. armed the par. y, that
it Mal. to prep: - for a strenuous defence of the Corn-laws- If ever there vils a time when it 1).15 C,r oi • ti • • ' •.I forward. it is in my opinion the present ; fords •-■ thing t' 1 beliCVL. to be at stake : and f conceive it right to t, on. il.ut it i- the im-
perati%•,.• ditty of the arr'eultorits al this tilt:, to -fat:,1 clitut fro." l'arliantent protection ter innlitt'•ted rights, f s.a elcarly, Infire• long. attempts nill he made, and Cattli.iable attontits i•eti, to wrest from Its. da)e.. 't ,%•-•
upon 1111:Ch the thrlinr Iicpec.0 i mean the Con;-:•tv‘,.
opinit■ whom I s.. n. I• • h•Mest Co.ivietimt, that the repeal or th. s .,,,ut
;Le prosperity of the 11 .,t'-II r. If th. ■ • , is to be the motto,
the tallit:re. 1 claim those rt`tis which hav,• the 1:v1n-es:tam s of.'. best are the nation po-s. -•
At It meetina: of the e1; v eourrigentent of A;.1-ttliallt;.ta
Thistres ;he t