29 DECEMBER 1838, Page 6
his ,ey• quer- . e u ui e;;;;.t of the
the men. It is
;my :e• ze•siancti since the late • .., as it-nude-Glebe. .; Ii;eseertion of the Monde suer t1;eetery, at Ashom, was acci-
elill het- oll'ered a rewaril of , triter.
eels uttempt, oil Sitildee- eel:, to to _‘lessrs. ',lox and Harri-
.eivered iu time to prevent much
_ere fire; et-er I/ray-torn in 'eltrop- are ;arid Pollee nt Ipswich t. 7, ..N{ 110 apj eer generally to : -evocation font the Police. 1,A1111 tat 11.
1•1 Tilt! /
11'1! 1111er One
31agis- i:mer,
In sing' to ether.-