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t t...•1 1.1' 1111'1,1 liar 111:144 i Lit 10.111,ll., o,u also kept ehergol, and ready for money • but of the date of 1524 and IS25; the signatures of which appear to be Rio; of persons of humble education. This is understued to be contrary to the rules of the establishment."
About three weeks ago, John Cunningham, who worked in a cotton- mill at.Nanehester, was found in the streets with three cuts on his leg. Ile said he had heel, attacked by three men, who demanded money to buy beer, and ou his refusal knocked him down and cut him with a sharp instrument. He mentioned one Byrne as one of his assailants ; but afterwards said that this was not true. His leg was amputated; and he lingered for some days in much pain, and then died. A Coro- ner's Jury on Saturday found a verdict of- " Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown."
James Handles, driver ofthe Holyhead mail, is in prison on a charge of' stealing a box with cash to the amount of 1,6on1., delivered to him at Shiffnall to lie taken to Hirailegham. The 13irminyl:qm Advertiser says that '• Handles is a notorious character, am' has been twice prose- cuted for uttering forged notes." If the employer:t of Handles are aware of this fact, they- ()ugh! to he male answerable in pocket for his thefts.