Considerable nnea a ass. we understand, is felt in the
monetary cir- cles in Paris as to the preseta position of commercial and financial mat- ters in France ; and the apprehension that a critical state oh' threes is at hand has been mach increased by the fact that Lane's new Joint Stock Bank has been eoemelled to fly for succour to the Beak of France, and to obtain n loan of many millions of francs front that insti- tution, as the only possible means of preventing suspenstan of payment. We were in some degree prepered for this announcement ; for things ia general in France have worn a very unfavourable appearance for some time past, and it is notorious that the wildest speculations imaginable were entered into greedily by the French public in general. eepecialy by the Parisians. The dangerous state in which Latiitte's Bank was and is placed, has arisen entirely, we are assured, from having encou- raged these reckless speculations, by advances upon shares of all kinds of ridiculous undertakings. The difficulties for the moment, however, have been overcome, but solely by the interference of the Bank of France ; and therefore it is still a matter of doubt whether the Bank can continue its operations for any great length of time. Had a sudden stoppage taken place, an eventful state of things might have been brought about, more especially as it is very commonly thought that a derangement or confusion in the monetary or commercial affairs of
France would be the forerunner of political movements of an extended nature. The Government, it is stated, is also under the slime impres- sion, and therefore did everything in its power to meet the demands upon Laffite's Bank. There is mat fear also that some of the leading moneyed men in France have been involved either by advances upon the snares, or from being actually concerned in the wild schemes for aggrandisement; and therefore we should not be surprised if Paris be- came shortly the scene of unpleasant events in every point of view. A communicatiou front Patna was received yesterday at the Bank of Eng- land, just after the breaking up of the weekly Court, which threw the re- maining Directors into a great state of alarm ; but whether it had re- ference to Laffitte's Bank or any private firm, we have not yet been abie to ascertain.—Morning Chrwrie.
[The French papers of Thursday, received at a late hour this morn- ing, contain an talicad tontradimion, signed t. J. Lafitte and Company," of the hijurious reports mentioned by the Chronicle.]