SATURDAY NIGIIT. he Chip.,;,.h• this morning, or by Count and eloquent speech of the Count Moe- emictiou that the Belgians will suffer an t••.:tory is dismembered. ",..;otwithstand- ' 0.110.-.11t ever of the treaty of 1831, it is a'ales canetie at the present day, he tam- , east ruction and original meaning. The admitted the necessity of certain moditi- Cy the article which is to dismember the eel eh:demur of the treaty is as much a ..• Germanic Confederation. The strong, a.. reason. for preserving to Belgium the eag, is, that the 3.45.11(10 inhabitants of
et a man, against the separation : and
-cost of Belgium are unanimous in their :heir countrymen in question. We have : • by all the Belgic Provinces against the I, by the way. that the pretended difficul- . • nt apply to Limburg ; but that province a Luxemburg, in the arguments of the ;.nod. Nothiag that is :stated by Moen in answer to the able TAW:NM:1LT, has eur c net of signal injustice it' their tug all that is urged f r tl• .: • clear that the Twenty-ear a clued at cording taptheir Great Powers theneelem !te: • melons : .why not, then. la .r1.; Behriart kingdom e 'Fay sae premnee as the aual•ear ,•• and, in our minds. imat, whole of Limburg and le, •: the districts to be severe • that the whole populotim. desire to continue united e now before us the protests 1.: swainmit m. It is to he reeler:, ties with the Ger:me:iv lnet '• is dexterously cenaomena sun otters of the eh 11