The American and Canaalan newspapers supply a few items of
mis- cellaneous intelligence, not mentioned in the general summary of news.
The Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada has been hoaxed by a story that Mackenzie had been seen near Toronto; upon receipt of which inthrmation. his Excellency issued a proclamation, offering IA reward. of I,U00/. for his appre- hension. General Brady, i■t* the United States army, 1.11 Detroit on Monday, in order to dispei,e a baud of Lae I roam:3 said to have been assembled at Pot-in-Bay : that gallant veteran officer retun:ed on Wednesday, bringing in tow a '•pa- triot KILO Ater laden with unite aw. whicit were found somewhere about Gibraltar. On their arr.'s al at D:troit, n civil process was immediately tuted by the pirates for the recovery of tiled'. property. The She.iff wen of course, obliged to do his duty, and serve the process ; but behold ! General Brady, with a spirit and determination worthy his high and honourable cha- racter. placid an armed force anil a field-piece on or near the vessel, and per- sonally dared them, Sheriff anti a, to lay hand. on it. The consequence of the General's interference in support of the honour of his country was, that the arms were safely secured in the Government arsenal, and the pirate schooner scuttled and sunk. Five hundred armed met were last week seen in the town of Ypsilanti; and it is contalently believed den laree itumbern in the interior of Michieen, are waiting to pounce upon us. Wesincerely trust that every man and boy capa- ble of beasteg arms will laYW step boldly forward in defence of his country. Mantled with lasting infamy le that man who will, in the hour of impending danger, shrink from doing his amy. It is rumoured that the brigands and pirates had made fresh incursions into Upper Canada, and had :dot severely beaten at Malden by the British forces. It was al-u reported, on the nut' ority of a letter from Toronto, that the Ame- rican steam-boat United States lint been taken poss.:ssion of, and sent some- where tar a earn) similar to that landed at Prescott ; and that the British steam-beat Coburg had laen despatched in pursuit of her, with orders to sink lier.