&rock EICKARGE, Amalie:tow.
Owing to the festivities of Christmas and the limited attendance of mem- bers, there has been much less doing this week in the English Stock Mar- ket. Less sanguine views as to the result of the Austrian negotiations have been entertained : under the prevailing uncertainty the public have been indisposed to make investments, and there has been no diminution in the demand for money. The Funds consequently have been heavy. On Monday there was a temporary improvement of per cent, and Consols were dealt in at 88/ 9: they have since descended to 881, and are now 881 a. Exchequer Bills have declined 28., owing to the demand for money. Bank Stock has shown no variation. In Paris( there has been more firmness in the rate of exchange, and the Funds have shown a tendency to improvement. At Hamburg also the exchange has advanced, and the pressure for money has been less; but the rate of discount is maintained at 61 per cent. Accounts from New York confirm the belief that shipments of gold to England would be renewed, and the packet this week has brought 100,000/. The amount received from Australia has been 19,841/. A statement has been issued by Mr. James Low, showing that the export of specie this year from Great Britain to the East forms the large
The English Funds have shown great steadiness since the morning, and close without alteration ; Consols for Account being 881 1. Exchequer Bills 8 4 discount. There was a large arrival of gold yesterday from Australia, amounting to 416,0001. In Foreign Stocks there has been a very limited business ; Turkish Six per Cents 831 1, Ditto Four per Cent Scrip 3 dis- count.
In Railways nothing new has transpired, and, as in other departments, there have been very few dealings—Caledonian, 541; East Lancashire, 69/ ;.. Great Northern, 871; Ditto B Stock, 1201; Great Western, 53; Lon- don and Blackwell, 6; London and North-Western, 941; London and South-Western, 85; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 231•. Midland, 631; North-Eastern—Berwick, 68; Ditto York, 45; London, Tilbury, and Southend, 1131. Preference Shares—Bristol and Exeter 4 per Cent Stock, 901; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1l3}; Grand Trunk of Canada, A. Issue, 101; Great Indian Peninsula, 5; Great Western of Canada, 2,51; Ditto New, 84; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 3/. Joint Stock Bank—London and Westminster, 49. Miscellaneous—Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 110; Crystal Palace, 24; Ditto Preference, 41; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, Q.
3 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 82 5
Ditto for Account 881 Dutch 21 per Cents 64 5 3 per Cent Reduced 88j Ditto 4 per Cents 94 5 New 3 per Cents 881 9 Mexican 3 per Cents 191 20 Long Annuities 3/ Peruvian 41 per Cents 74 6 Bank Stock 205 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 52 4 Exchequer Bills 8 4 die. Portuguese 4 per Cents 48 50 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 95 7 Austrian 5 per Cents 81 4 Ditto 41 per Cents 88 90 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 40 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 91 3 Ditto Deferred 211 1 Chilian 6 per Cents 101 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 83 5 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7
It appears from a report presented at a recent meeting of shareholders, that the London Chartered Bank of Australia has been unfortunate during the half-year ending with June : they have made bad and doubtful debt& to the amount of 35,4581., which have swallowed up the profits of the half- year, the balance, the reserve-fund, and encroached on the profits of the present half-year. The officer who had control at Melbourne—where nearly the whole loss was suffered—has been superseded. Mr. Duncan Dunbar, the Chairman, is hopeful for the future : it would have been surprising if the bank had not lost something during the commercial crisis in Australia; none of the loss has been incurred in London. The meeting felt that the Directors had pursued a straightforward course in fully stating everything and suspending a dividend : condemnatory resolutions were rejected, and a. vote of thanks to the Directors was passed.
The English Funds have improved at this morning, notwithstanding the unfavourable return of bullion by the Bank of England, which shows a decrease- of 324,593/. Consols for Account are 88 I. Exchequer Bills 8 4 discount. In Foreign Stocks no movement has yet occurred. Turkish is 831 1, Ditto, Scrip 31 3 discount. Railways continue quiet—Caledonian, 41; Great Northern B, 1201; Great Western, 521; London and South-Western, 85; 1 Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 231; Midland, 64; North-Eastern— Berwick, 671. total of 7,358,1611.,—namely, 948,2721. gold, and 6,409,8891. silver. It is a heavier total than on any previous occasion. The largest amount in any former year was in 1853, when it reached 5,590,867/. With the ex- ception of 151,6401. to Malta for the Army, and 420,6301. to Alexandria for- gram and produce, the whole has been absorbed by the Indian and Chinese. drain that has extended through five years. Some explanation is afforded by the fact that the American payments to the East are remitted through London, and absorb a large portion of the gold; also by the requirements for the Indian Railways, and demand for produce to meet the exigencies - connected with the war. The Corn-market continues dull. The average amount of bullion in both,. departments of the Bank of England, for the month ending 24th November,. was 11,234,3081.; a decrease of 407,0111. compared with the preceding month,... and of 2,343,0421. compared with the same tune last year.
In Foreign Securities there has been only a moderate amount of business. In the leading descriptions prices have been well maintained; the exception being Turkish Six per Cents, which declined!, and afterwards rallied a little. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents are 1 better. Railways, on the average, have been steady. The doubtful aspect of poli- tical affairs is a great barrier to general operations. The settlement of the- Account, yesterday, had but little influence. East Lancashire, Great North- ern, and Midland, are the same as last week. London and North-Western has improved 58. The following are lower—London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1/. ; Great Western, and London and South-Western, 10s. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 58. There has been very little doing in French Shares, and prices have not altered.