29 DECEMBER 1939, Page 14



HAVE devoted some hours during these Christmas holi- days to a task which is both otiose and exacting, both sedative and precise. For years the snapshots which I take from time to time have accumulated in a large album, and I felt that it might be of interest to my grandchildren (should such occur) to have some conception of what and whom these photographs were supposed to represent. With the aid of past diaries and a thin nib I therefore inscribed under these photographs the neatest little captions. " Visiting the White Fathers' Mission School at N'goodoo," I wrote, or " Approaching Falmouth," or " Tomb of Unknown Soldier near Belgrade." When people figured in my photographs I wrote their names in full, foreseeing that whereas the initials " J. C. P." might convey little to my grandchildren, the full name of " James Connaught Plower " might (or might not) convey a great deal.