Sir: Anyone who opposes this par. ticular form of devilry is invariably held up to the ridicule of his neighbour as a sentimental idiot, as one who IS endeavouring to thwart medical research, asan irresponsible scat. terbrain who would deprive doctors, biologists, and physiologists of the opportunity of acquiring knowledge of the greatest benefit to humanity. Doc' tor Linklater's smirking article (November 3) was a classic example of this outlook.
Vivisection (whether it involves cutting into a live animal or not) is the most horrible form of experimental surgery, and is practically useless for its pretended purpose.
Most of the present day vivisection practice is concerned, not with the amelioration of the lot of mankind (a5 the gallant Doctor Linklater would have us believe) but with finding out ways and means of inflicting horrible deaths on human beings, of finding out and codifying every obscenity and agony it is possible to inflict on the human body.
To name but a few of the 'benefits to be derived from vivisection we have nerve gases which produce incredible agony, stomach irritants, skin vesicants, lung vesicants, means for spreading anthrax (a filthy disease) syphilis, myxomatosis, we have had 1,1 dog with two heads (a masterpiece 0l surgery and very useful), psychological experiments on rats to drive them mad, thalidomide, dogs and cats subjected to hideous torture during 'sensitivity experiments, animals with their brain5 exposed, or their salivary glands eX' posed, electronic buttons implanted in the flesh, we have battery eggs (those slimy abominations), tortured livestock. beef and veal raised by chemical formula (and tasting like it). In Scotland there is a whole island devoted to raising tortured animals (mostly sheeP and cattle) where it is dangerous even to land except in protective clothing.
This satanism is practised over and, over, the same experiments again and again, to make certain that nothing has been overlooked which will cause the most intense agony to human be. ings.
And the vivisectors pose as norms' human beings. After a day in the laboratory, spent in inflicting indescribably obscene agony on a helpless animal staked out and stretched on a board, they will go, home to their wives and families and partake of ordinary human in; terchange. meals, jokes, children, and family life.
Eldon Carrafi Priory Cottage, Church Preen, Church Stretton. Shropshire