The defeat of the French Ministry in the Chamber of
Deputies, and the consequent resignation of Marshal Souur and his col- leagues, were mentioned in our Postscript last week. This result
is said to have been owing chiefly to M. Teases; who prevailed upon many Deputies to vote against the Court by working upon their Conservative prejudices. lie represented the Orleans dynasty as unpopular, the Ministry as incapable, and the Chamber of Peers as a nonentity. The Chamber of Deputies, however, was still respectable in the eyes of the nation ; and it was essential with re- ference to the suppression of Republicanism and the preservation of Monarchical institutions, that its reputation should be upheld. 'EMIRS contended that the Chamber would be irreparably damaged by subserviency to the Court on the question of " dote-, tion ;" and therefore it was incumbent even on the King's friends to refuse the demand of money for his son. The Opposition in the French Chamber is composed of discordant materials. A de- bate was certain to 'produce open disagreement when Success de- pended upon union ; so the leaders, THIERS and °DILLON BARROT, agreed that there -should be no debate. The Ministers went pre- pared for a long and angry discussion, and were astounded by the silence of the Opposition and the suddenness of the vote which destroyed the Government. Soui.T had sent his carriage home, and trudged on foot to the Tuileries to tell the King what had happened.
Louts humeri: immediately commenced the familiar task of putting together another Cabinet. Ile held communication with Count Mot. f:, the Duke on BROGLIE, GUIZOT ; but THIERS was not sent fin', and he kept aloof—well knowing that his time must come. After trying other combinations, without success, Louis. PHILIPPE, on Wednesday, summoned THIERS to the Palace, and gave him time office of President of the Council, with authority to form a Ministry. It remains to be seen whether Timms will baffle the Court, and present a combination which the King dare not trifle with or reject. Louts PIIII.IPPE can thwart him, he. will.