On the 20th inst., at Adlestrop Ilouse, Gloucestershire, the Lady ELEANOR CAN!- CART, of a Son.
On mite 10th inst., at Edinburgh, Ludy HARRTET D. IIANIILTON, of a daughter.
Ou the 228 inst., at Glevering Hall, the Hon. Mrs. VANNECR. Of a flatighler.
On 1110 3d inst., at Naples, the Hun. Mrs. EDWARD THORNTON Wo‘P, ISt:q V. a rot,
On the 16th Oust., at Florence, the Hon. Mrs. B. N. GAUNTER, of a daue,liter, On the 21st inst., in Guernsey, the Lady of Captain IleNvev, 11. N. of [laughter of a [laughter.
On the 27th inst., in lle]grave Square, the Lady of the lion. Colowl GRANT., ,-;1 Grant, AI. P.
011 the 23d inst., at Holt, near Melksham, the Lady of the Itev. Jamks Buss. [lawn, On the 16111 inst., at Brighton, the Lally of the Rev. WILLIAM SEnotsoN, Rector of Slaugham, of wins.
On the 21st at Leeds, the La 'y or the Rev. W. TEALS:, M.A.,
On the 16th lust., at Ringwood, the Wilt' or the Rev. R. Lewis limner:, of a sot.
On the 19tIt'of December, at Mahabcsliwa, Maior-General Sir Jew,: Ftat.,.rea GERALD, K,C.11., Commander of the Purees, Bombay Presidency, to JEAN, eldeet daughter or the llon. 0. Ogilvy, of Clove. On the' 7th inst., In St. George's, 110.110TOT Square, JOHN FuFm[xo, Esq., late of the Grenadier Guards. old eldest son of Julio Fleming, Esq., of !-toiteham Park, Southampton, to the Lauly KATur. taxi: ELizAnent COCHRANE, only daughter if the Earl of Dunclonald.
On the 27th inst., at All Saints', Leamington, the Rev. Ihrort BOLD. Hector or 1.1an. Breektmekshire, only son of the OHO Hugh Bold, Esq., of lireeull, to "Fits. D001A FRANCES, NOColill (laughter of Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Ilutoldlison.
On the 2211 inst., at Harrold, Beds, CIIIIISTOPIIER GERARD l'oLIANS, of Helena House, Sidmou b, and Heavitree, Devon, Esq., late of the ball Dragoons, to ANNETI-ti, third daughter of John Ilesketh Lethbridge, Esq., or Saralltili Park, sonierso. On the 19th inst.. at Prestos, Lancashire, the Rev. NA:MANISA, JAM Es MERRIMAN, 1:110 or Ilniseuose College, Oxford, M.A., to JULIA, youngest (laughter of the late John l',.tter, Esq., of Darwen, Oli the 19th inst., at Clifton Church, the Rev. E. P. VAUGHAN, y. %ingest sun of the Rev. James Vaughan. !lector of Wraxlia11, in the County of Somerset, to HARRIET, [laughter or the Rev. J tat Ilensman, Minister of Trinity Church, Clifton. On the 5th of Notember, at Kandy, Ceylon, Mr. Jinx Corpse, of Loudon, toMisf A. ACHLANO, of the same city.
On the 18th inst., at Cheltenham, Lady DRAKE, Widow of the late Sir Fraud, Henry Drake.
On the 2611 inst., at his residence in Neweastle-upou-Tyne, Sir Roemer SHAM Manlius, iu his 71st year.
On the 17th inst., at Paris, Colonel Sir RonEwr STEELE, Knight, K.C.S., Deputy. Lieutenant of Dorset.
On the 13th inst. at Preston Montfurd, near Shrewsbury, EXIILY 'ASSET, Wife of Sir Francis Bryan 11111, K.T.S., youngest [laughter of the late Thomas Jelf Pony s, Esq., of Berwick House, in the County of Salop.
On the 21st at his house, Dorchester, Dorset, CHARLTON limn Wor,LAsroy, for mot:. ;ears Chairman of the Qualter.t,essious of the C, linty. in his 751Illear, Out the 2411, inst. at his reside:tee 'It Lee, Kent, JAMES YOUNG. Esq., one of the
Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, in Ms year,
Olt the 211th inst., at his Vicarage or Keltiugtoa, near Ferrybridge, the Rev. JOHN 1.0WTHIAN, M.A., lot nuerly Fellow- ol"rrmity College, Cambridge. On the ',..5th inst., at Hastings, THOMAS BIRCH, Vicar of Bexhill, Sussex, late Arelu.eacon uf Lewes, in Isis 74th
Out the kStit inst., at his residence, 1.4ydeultam, Kent, 11.ksicrrr SMITII, Esq., in his 91st ;ear, and of lietlf,,rd Square, Loudon,